SJTE Parish will be going on a Breakfast Run into NYC on
Saturday, October 21st and we need your help! We will be providing food, toiletries and clothing for those in need and less fortunate (approx. 100 people). The following donations are needed:
New Items: Men’s Large and XL undergarments, socks, wash cloths, travel sized toiletries (soap, shampoo, toothbrushes, toothpaste, razors, shaving cream, deodorant)
Used Items: Size large and XL, clean/gently used men’s coats, sweatshirts/sweaters, pants, back packs/canvas bags (for them to carry their belongings) hats, gloves, shoes, boots and blankets.
Food Items: Juice boxes, individualized cookies, chips, and individualized fruit cups.
Donations can be dropped off in the BREAKFAST RUN Box in the Narthex during weekend masses on October 7th, 8th, 14th and 15th. There will also be a box in the Parish House and in the back of the Chapel.
Monetary donations will be accepted to cover the cost of egg sandwiches, coffee, paper products, etc. They can be left in the Parish House.