St. John’s will participate in Rosary Coast to Coast On Sunday, October 7th at 4pm at Our Lady of Life Statue
Please join us for the sanctity of human life, for Healing of our country and its return to Holiness
40 Days for Life is a peaceful one hour vigil at an abortion facility. We pray and witness before Planned Parenthood, 41 Main Street, Danbury. 40 Days focuses on prayer and fasting and educational outreach with the goal of protecting mothers and their unborn babies. 40 Days just started September 26th and ends November 4th. Please join us or commit to saying a daily Rosary for the unborn. For more information, please contact Peg at 628-8997.
Baby Bottles will be in Church October 6th-7th. Please take one home, fill it and return October 28th. All proceeds will be given equally to Good Counsel Homes & Birthright.
Cenacles of Life is every Thursday 3-4pm during Eucharistic Adoration. After the Divine Mercy chaplet, we say a Rosary for Priests and a Rosary for the Unborn. Come, pray with us. Life is a precious gift from God.