Lord God, threatened by the spread of the Coronavirus, we ask that you keep us, our loved ones, and everyone, from harm. Keep us vigilant as we follow all that will protect our health and well-being. We pray for those who already have the virus. Alleviate their pain and fear and limit their ravages of their disease. Restore them to full health. Protect medical and support workers who test, treat and prevent the spread of this virus. Enfold them with the shield of your protective grace. Keep all of us generous in these fearful times, remembering that we share a common humanity and a responsibility for one another. Freed from selfish hoarding, let us make it possible for everyone to have a share of food, medicine, supplies and services. We pray for the elderly and those most vulnerable to the disease. May they be spared this threat to their health and to their lives. Send a spirit of wisdom into the minds and hearts of our civic authorities whose duty it is to issue the common good. We call upon Mary, the patroness of our country, to watch over us and to care for all our brothers and sisters throughout the world. We make this prayer in the name of Christ, our Lord, Amen