We are privileged at SJTE to have the Blessed Sacrament exposed for Adoration in Our Lady Queen of Angels Chapel Monday through Friday.
At the present time, our Eucharistic Adoration Program is in need of additional Adorers! The Church requires that Our Lord should not be left alone when exposed in the Monstrance. We are requesting parishioners to consider becoming an Adorer for one hour each week as part of their prayer life. Our goal is to have a minimum of two Adorers during each hour in case one is unable to be present. If you cannot volunteer as a weekly Adorer, would you consider being a substitute? If you cannot commit to being either a regular or a substitute Adorer, you are always welcome to spend some time with the Lord as a visitor.
On the weekend of October 8 & 9, we will have a sign-up campaign at each of the Masses. There will be registration cards in the narthex where representatives of the Adoration Committee will be available to answer your questions on how best you can participate in this ministry. We request that you fill out a card even if you do not know exactly what you can do. We are happy to call you to discuss this program.
Won't you consider joining us and help to keep alive this well-spring of blessings for ourselves, our loved ones and our parish?
Jean Costello (845-628-3595) Margaret Frisch (845-628-0224)